These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v1.2.

Access Scopes

Access scopes are used to limit the permissions of an issued token. When requesting a token, the client includes a list of what actions it wants permission to perform by including the appropriate scopes. Each API includes a list of which scopes allow that action to be performed.

Some scopes contain children to provide additional access granularity. If the parent scope is given, all children permissions are included. For example, requesting includes all permissions given in, etc.

Additional details about OAuth 2.0 scopes can be found at

ScopeDescription shown to users on the consent screen
account.infoView basic information about your account (e.g., account ID and account name) .
account.userCreate, view, edit, and delete users on your account.
account.user:readonlyView users on your account.
account.user.transfercontentTransfer ownership of a user's resources to another user on your account.
folderCreate, view, edit, share, and delete your folders. Organize your folders and their contents.
folder:readonlyView any of your folders and list their contents.
lucidchart.document.appView, edit, and manage any Lucidchart document selected for this third-party application. Create, view, edit, and manage any Lucidchart document within its app-specific folder., view, edit, and manage any Lucidchart document within its app-specific folder., edit, and manage any Lucidchart document selected for this third-party application. and download any Lucidchart document selected for this third-party application., view, edit, and delete collaborators and invitations of any Lucidchart document on your team or enterprise account selected for the third-party application. collaborators and invitations of any Lucidchart document on your team or enterprise account selected for the third-party application., view, edit, and delete embeds of any Lucidchart document on your team or enterprise account selected for the third-party application., view, edit, and delete the third party application's share links of any Lucidchart document on your team or enterprise account selected for the third-party application. the third party application's share links of any Lucidchart document on your team or enterprise account selected for the third-party application.
lucidchart.document.contentCreate, view, edit, and delete any Lucidchart document on your account.
lucidchart.document.content:readonlyView and download any Lucidchart document on your account.
lucidchart.document.content.share.collaboratorCreate, view, edit, and delete collaborators and invitations for any of your Lucidchart documents on your team or enterprise account.
lucidchart.document.content.share.collaborator:readonlyView collaborators and invitations for any of your Lucidchart documents on your team or enterprise account.
lucidchart.document.content.share.embedCreate, view, edit, and delete embeds for any of your Lucidchart documents on your team or enterprise account.
lucidchart.document.content.share.linkCreate, view, edit, and delete the third party application's share links for any of your Lucidchart documents on your team or enterprise account. the third party application's share links for any of your Lucidchart documents on your team or enterprise account.
lucidscale.document.appView, edit, and manage any Lucidscale model selected for this third-party application. Create, view, edit, and manage any Lucidscale model within its app-specific folder., view, edit, and manage any Lucidscale model within its app-specific folder., edit, and manage any Lucidscale model selected for this third-party application. and download any Lucidscale model selected for this third-party application., view, edit, and delete collaborators and invitations of any Lucidscale model on your team or enterprise account selected for the third-party application. collaborators and invitations of any Lucidscale model on your team or enterprise account selected for the third-party application., view, edit, and delete embeds of any Lucidscale model on your team or enterprise account selected for the third-party application., view, edit, and delete the third party application's share links of any Lucidscale model on your team or enterprise account selected for the third-party application. the third party application's share links of any Lucidscale model on your team or enterprise account selected for the third-party application.
lucidscale.document.contentCreate, view, edit, and delete any Lucidscale model on your account.
lucidscale.document.content:readonlyView and download any Lucidscale model on your account.
lucidscale.document.content.share.collaboratorCreate, view, edit, and delete collaborators and invitations for any of your Lucidscale models on your team or enterprise account.
lucidscale.document.content.share.collaborator:readonlyView collaborators and invitations for any of your Lucidscale models on your team or enterprise account.
lucidscale.document.content.share.embedCreate, view, edit, and delete embeds for any of your Lucidscale models on your team or enterprise account.
lucidscale.document.content.share.linkCreate, view, edit, and delete the third party application's share links for any of your Lucidscale models on your team or enterprise account. the third party application's share links for any of your Lucidscale models on your team or enterprise account.
lucidspark.document.appView, edit, and manage any Lucidspark board selected for this third-party application. Create, view, edit, and manage any Lucidspark board within its app-specific folder., view, edit, and manage any Lucidspark board within its app-specific folder., edit, and manage any Lucidspark board selected for this third-party application. and download any Lucidspark board selected for this third-party application., view, edit, and delete collaborators and invitations of any Lucidspark board on your team or enterprise account selected for the third-party application. collaborators and invitations of any Lucidspark board on your team or enterprise account selected for the third-party application., view, edit, and delete embeds of any Lucidspark board on your team or enterprise account selected for the third-party application., view, edit, and delete the third party application's share links of any Lucidspark board on your team or enterprise account selected for the third-party application. the third party application's share links of any Lucidspark board on your team or enterprise account selected for the third-party application.
lucidspark.document.contentCreate, view, edit, and delete any Lucidspark board on your account.
lucidspark.document.content:readonlyView and download any Lucidspark board on your account.
lucidspark.document.content.share.collaboratorCreate, view, edit, and delete collaborators and invitations for any of your Lucidspark boards on your team or enterprise account.
lucidspark.document.content.share.collaborator:readonlyView collaborators and invitations for any of your Lucidspark boards on your team or enterprise account.
lucidspark.document.content.share.embedCreate, view, edit, and delete embeds for any of your Lucidspark boards on your team or enterprise account.
lucidspark.document.content.share.linkCreate, view, edit, and delete the third party application's share links for any of your Lucidspark boards on your team or enterprise account. the third party application's share links for any of your Lucidspark boards on your team or enterprise account.
offline_accessContinue to perform authorized actions when you’re not logged in (required to refresh tokens).
user.profileAllow applications to view basic information about you (e.g., full name, username, and email).



The following list of scopes will be deprecated in favor of product specific scopes. In the meantime, they will be mapped to their Lucidchart scope equivalent (ex. document.content becomes lucidchart.document.content). Make sure your access tokens are using the new product specific scopes.

Deprecated ScopeDescription shown to users on the consent screen
document.appView, edit, and manage any Lucidchart document selected for this third-party application.
Create, view, edit, and manage any Lucidchart document within its app-specific folder., view, edit, and manage any Lucidchart document within its app-specific folder., edit, and manage any Lucidchart document selected for this third-party application. and download any Lucidchart document selected for this third-party application.
document.contentCreate, view, edit, and delete any Lucidchart document on your account.
document.content:readonlyView and download any Lucidchart document on your account.