These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v1.2.

Share Link Security

Share links are created and defined with a linkSecurity field that contains definitions of how share links are configured for access to their corresponding document. These fields are only configurable for users on accounts with an enterprise license. The allowAnonymous field is only available for Lucidspark and Lucidchart documents and will always be false for other product's documents.

If an expiration time is provided when updating or creating a share link outside of the allowable range by the account the corresponding document is on, the expiration date will be clamped to be within the maximum allowable expiration time.

If the account requires the share link to only be acceptable within the account the document belongs to, the restrictToAccount field will always be set to true regardless of the provided input when creating or updating the share link.

If the document share link belongs to an account without an enterprise license, the default linkSecurity settings of no expiration, no passcode and unrestricted access, and no anonymous guests will be used.

Document Link Security

restrictToAccountBooleanWhether or not users outside the document's account can accept the share link
expiresDateTime(Optional) If defined, the date and time the share link expires
expiresString(Optional) If defined, the required passcode to accept the share link
allowAnonymousBooleanWhether or not the share link allows for anonymous guests
    "restrictToAccount": false,
    "expires": "2023-12-11T21:48:35.293Z",
    "passcode": "password",
    "allowAnonymous": false

Sharing Roles

Roles determine what actions an invitation will grant on a document. Invitations to a document only grant the specified level of access to just that one document.

editandshareView, comment on, edit, and control which users can access the document
editView, comment on, and edit the document
commentView the document. Leave comments on the document
viewView the document.