Type | Example | Description |
Boolean | true | An RFC7159 JSON boolean value. |
String | "title" | An RFC7159 JSON string value. |
Number | 102 or 1.02E2 | An RFC7159 JSON number value. |
Integer | 18567 | An integer value formatted as an RFC7159 JSON number value. |
Decimal | 123.45 | A decimal value formatted as an RFC7159 JSON number value. |
DateTime | 2020-06-26T16:29:37Z | The date formatted as an RFC3339 timestamp string in the UTC time zone. |
Timestamp | 1605732868411 | Number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970 in the UTC timezone). |
UUID | 110808fd-4553-4316-bccf-4f25ff59a532 | A universally unique identifier (UUID) in the canonical textual representation format. |
URI | https://lucid.app/lucidchart/328caaff-08d6-4461-bd52-bb2fbd556420/edit | A uniform resource identifier (URI) as defined in RFC3986. |
Array | ["in progress"] or [1, 2, 3] | An array of values of other primitive types. |
Map | Map[String,String] or Map[String,Optional[String]] | A JSON object as defined in RFC7159. |
Product | lucidchart | See Products below. |
The Lucid suite contains multiple products and many APIs accept a Product parameter to dictate which to execute against. The valid Products are:
Status Codes and Errors
Lucid APIs use standard HTTP codes to indicate the result of the request.
Successful Responses
HTTP Status | Description |
200 Ok | The request completed successfully. |
201 Created | The request succeeded and the resource was created. |
204 No Content | Completed successfully, but returned no response body. Often used with DELETE endpoints. |
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
400 Bad Request | unknownOperation | The requested operation is unrecognized or not supported for this resource |
400 Bad Request | badRequest | Bad or malformed request |
401 Unauthorized | unauthorized | The request token is missing, expired or invalid |
403 Forbidden | accessForbidden | Access to this resource is forbidden |
404 Not Found | notFound | Resource not found |
406 Not Acceptable | invalidExportType | The requested export type is not supported |
409 Conflict | alreadyExists | Entity already exists |
415 Unsupported Media Type | invalidImportType | Importing the provided file type is not supported |
429 Too Many Requests | tooManyRequests | The requests received have exceeded the allowed rate limit |
500 Internal Server Error | internalServerError | An unknown error occurred |
503 Service Unavailable | The service is down for maintenance |
"code": "unknownOperation",
"message": "The requested operation is unrecognized or not supported for this resource"
"code": "invalidExportType",
"message": "The requested export type is not supported",
"details": {
"requested": "application/json",
"supported": ["image/jpeg", "image/png"]
"requestId": "47CA40AE3BD1A335"
Some API endpoints may return a large number of records in response to a query. To make handling large payloads scalable, Lucid's API uses pagination to limit the number of records returned in a response.
Every paginated endpoint takes two optional query parameters: pageSize
and pageToken
The pageSize
parameter is used to indicate the maximum number of records returned per page. By default, each page will contain a maximum of 200 records. If a pageSize greater than 200 is requested, only 200 will be returned. Any endpoints that override this default will document it explicitly.
The pageToken
is provided by the API response and acts as a pointer to the next set of records.
curl 'https://api.lucid.co/users?pageSize=20&pageToken=eyJvIjoiMSIsImUiOj' \
--request 'GET' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <OAuth 2.0 Access Token>' \
--header 'Lucid-Api-Version: 1'
Responses by paginated endpoints contain a URI in the Link
header called next
. This URI is provided to the client to facilitate getting the next paged response and will have the same pageSize
as the previous request. Page tokens are included in the next
URI and should be considered opaque tokens.
Link: <https://api.lucid.co/users?pageSize=20&pageToken=eyJvIjoiMSIsImUiOjE2Mjg2OTc3OTF9>; rel="next"
Rate Limiting
To protect the stability of the platform and prevent undue stress on the system, the Lucid API has a rate limiting feature (sometimes called throttling) that restricts requests when the load exceeds a configured amount.
When the number of requests received within a period of time exceeds the allowed threshold, all API requests will respond with 429 Too Many Requests. This response will include a Retry-After header containing the number of seconds until requests will be accepted again.
The rate limits are configured high enough that they should never be hit under reasonable normal usage. However, an integration should be built to handle this response, and wait at least until the Retry-After period has passed before sending further requests. Sending additional requests during the rate-limited window could extend its duration.
Rate limits are applied based on the access token type:
Access Token Type | Rate Limit |
Account Tokens | 50 requests per second |
User Tokens | 15 requests per second |
The rate limit may be hit sooner when making requests to APIs that are computationally expensive.
These limits apply to each token's principle individually. For example, an integration could make 15 requests per second using one user's token and an additional 15 requests per second using another user's token. Account and user limits are handled separately, even if the user is on the account token's account. When a request gets throttled, only requests matching the same token principle will be throttled.
429 Too Many Requests | with a Retry-After header indicating how many seconds to wait until re-attempting any request. |
HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests
Content-Type: application/json
Retry-After: 3600
"code": "tooManyRequests",
"message": "You have sent too many requests in a given amount of time."