These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v1.2.

Refresh token example script

To assist with the development of your Lucid integration, we have provided an example python script that illustrates the typical refresh token flow. It stores the access_token and refresh_token into a local file, and automatically refreshes them upon expiration. It is comprised of four steps:

  1. Check if the file containing a previous refresh token already exists. If it does not, we need to initiate the process by using the value provided in INITIAL_REFRESH_TOKEN to generate a token and store it locally. The INITIAL_REFRESH_TOKEN can be manually generated by following the steps at: Refreshing the access token.
  2. Retrieve the current access_token and refresh_token from the file. If the current access_token has not expired, return it and skip the remaining steps. Otherwise, move onto step 3 to refresh the access_token.
  3. Using the retrieved refresh_token, make a request to the /token endpoint with the refresh_token grant_type. Upon receiving the response, it calls step 4 to save the both tokens for future use and returns the now refreshed access_token.
  4. Before storing the data, utilize the provided expires_in value to generate an ISO format datetime so we know the absolute time our access_token will expire. Store the access_token, refresh_token, and expiration into our file.



For simplicity, this script does not include response code verification or error checking. A production version of this script should handle unexpected values.

import json
import requests
import os
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# using local file to store refresh_token
FILE_NAME = './token_info.json'

# oauth2 client information
CLIENT_ID = '30VYbvlkqZv-SmJd7fTdpH9B9et2yqZA6Wvi5NY_'
CLIENT_SECRET = 'D-SkY5dE9m7hQApMwc9DV0iCzSRVV62MnRvG6KKOZt4vNpcw8mTVxM8T9x7qpV72xLEiw'

# initial refresh token generated manually

# 1) Return our current token, or generate a new one if its expired.
#    If this is the first execution, use a manually generated token to get started
def retrieve_access_token():
    if (os.path.exists(FILE_NAME)):
        return retrieve_token_info(None)
        return retrieve_token_info(INITIAL_REFRESH_TOKEN)

# 2) Retrieve the current token and refresh if its about to expire
def retrieve_token_info(grantedToken):
    if (grantedToken is not None):
        return refresh_token(grantedToken)
        with open(FILE_NAME, 'r') as fileHandle:
            data = json.loads(
        if datetime.fromisoformat(data['expiration']) > timedelta(minutes=5):
            return data['access_token']
        return refresh_token(data['refresh_token'])

# 3) Refresh my token and save for future use
def refresh_token(refresh_token):
    url = ''
    body = {
        'client_id': CLIENT_ID,
        'client_secret': CLIENT_SECRET,
        'refresh_token': refresh_token
    request =, json = body)
    response = json.loads(request.content)
    return response['access_token']

# 4) Set the expiration and save the token for next time
def save_token_info(token):
    expiration = + timedelta(seconds=token.get('expires_in'))
    token['expiration'] = expiration.isoformat()
    with open(FILE_NAME, 'w') as fileHandle:

# get my current or refreshed access_token
access_token = retrieve_access_token()