API Key Grants

API Key grants are used to limit the permissions of an issued API Key. Each API includes a list of which grants allow that action to be performed.

Unlike OAuth 2.0 access scopes, API Key grants are not product-specific.

Grants contain increasing levels of permissions with Read being the least permission, and Admin being the greatest. If a parent grant is given, all children permissions are included. For example, requesting DocumentEdit includes all permissions given in DocumentRead, etc.

DocumentReadView and download any of your own documents.
DocumentEditCreate, view, edit, and delete any of your own documents.
DocumentAdminSearch documents across your account.
FolderReadView any of your own folders and list their contents.
FolderEditCreate, edit, share, and delete any of your own folders.
Organize your folders and their contents.
FolderAdminSearch folders across your account.
UserView basic information about you (e.g., full name, username, and email).
AccountReadView basic information about your account (e.g., account ID and account name).
View basic information about users on your account.
AccountEditCreate, edit, and delete users on your account.
LegalHoldReadView legal holds on your account.
View which users have legal holds.
View which documents are under legal hold.
LegalHoldEditCreate, edit, and delete legal holds on your account.
Add or remove users from a legal hold.