A definition of the details required to show an unfurl block in the editor.
optional iframe: UnfurlIframe;
If the unfurl supports an expandable iframe, this configuration defines its properties.
optional previewImageUrl: string;
The url to show if there are no thumbnails.
This can be useful to show an initial image while using other mechanisms to add all thumbnails after the unfurl is created.
providerFaviconUrl: string;
The favicon of the provider of this unfurl.
providerName: string;
The name of the extension attributed to the unfurl. This is a user facing name that is used to attribute the
unfurl to a specific third party.
optional thumbnails: UnfurlThumbnail[];
If the unfurl contains one or more images, this configuration defines those properties.
optional unfurlTitle: string;
The title associated with the link being unfurled. For example, the document or web page title.