Get All Data Items

This endpoint returns all data items within a collection that the user has access to. The results will be paginated. If the number of data items exceeds the pagination limit, links will be provided to get the next set of results or the previous set of results (if applicable). The range of returned values can be determined by optional start and end parameters. If the difference between the end and start values is greater than the pagination limit, the endpoint returns collections in the range from start to start + pagination limit. Items in the response are determined based on their creation order.

This endpoint also supports an optional filter string that can be used to filter down the data items returned based off the items' fields' values. If a filter is included, the start and end parameters only refer to items which satisfy the filter; this is also true of the total value in the response. For more details, see Data Item Filters.

Valid Authentication Methods

OAuth 2.0 User Token Scopes:

  • data-service.admin
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