These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v1.2.


Returns a deep list of the shape's parents, starting with the shape's parent (then the parent's parent, etc.), up to the containing page.


NOTE: The ANCESTORS function operates similarly to the DESCENDANTS formula function, but includes items by navigating up the hierarchy instead of down.




In the following examples, the shape (Shape 8) is contained in a group (Group A), which is contained in another group (Group B). All shapes are contained in the page named "Page 1".

"Group A" is a group with 2 shapes in it, with the following text and values

TextProperty 1Property 2
Shape 7112
Shape 81015

"Group B" is a group which contains 6 shapes, including Group A, with the following text and values:

TextProperty 1Property 2
Shape 1110
Shape 2418
Shape 3213
Shape 46
Shape 5714
Group A8

"Page 1" is the page that contains Group B, with the following text and values

TextProperty 1Property 2
Group B512
Page 11122

=ANCESTORS[Group A, Group B, Page 1]
Gets all ancestors of the current object, including its containing page

=ANCESTORS."Property 1"[8, 5, 11]
Gets the value of property "Property 1" for all ancestors of the current object, including its containing page, if present