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Multiplexer Shape

The multiplexer defines a shape that has a variable number of link points on the top and bottom, which are controlled by two shape data fields (In and Out). Link points are created using repeated shapes.


  properties: [
      name: 'In',
      label: 'In',
      type: 'number',
      default: 5,
      constraints: [
        {condition: '=@In > 0', resolution: 1, message: 'Must be greater than 0.'}
      name: 'Out',
      label: 'Out',
      type: 'number',
      default: 3,
      constraints: [
        {condition: '=@Out > 0', resolution: 1, message: 'Must be greater than 0.'}
  style: {
    fill: {type: 'color', color: '#f5f5f5'},
    stroke: {color: '#999999', width: 2},
  shapes: [
    { geometry: [{type: 'rect' }] }
      repeat: {type: 'for', index: 'i', min: 1, max: '=@In', step: 1}
      bounds: {x: '=@i / (@In + 1)', y: 0, w: '=1 / (@In + 1)', h: 0.2, anchor: 'top'}
      style: {
        fill: {type: 'color', color: '#cccccc'}
        stroke: {color: '#999999', width: 2}
      geometry: [{type: 'rect'}]
      linkpoints: [ {x: 0.5, y: 0} ]
      repeat: {type: 'for', index: 'i', min: 1, max: '=@Out', step: 1}
      bounds: {x: '=@i / (@Out + 1)', y: 1, w: '=1 / (@Out + 1)', h: 0.2, anchor: 'bottom'}
      style: {
        fill: {type: 'color', color: '#cccccc'}
        stroke: {color: '#999999', width: 2}
      geometry: [{type: 'rect'}]
      linkpoints: [ {x: 0.5, y: 1} ]