These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v1.2.

Rounded Progress Bar

The rounded progress bar defines a shape which represents a progress bar with rounded edges showing a current value in a range defined by the user as shape data. This example uses clipping to ensure that the path doesn't warp when resized and to simplify the geometry used in the progress bar.


  properties: [
      name: 'Min', label: 'Min', type: 'number', default: 1,
      constraints: [{ condition: '=@Min < @Max', message: 'Min constraint' }]
      name: 'Max', label: 'Max', type: 'number', default: 100,
      constraints: [{condition: '=@Max > @Min', message: 'Max constraint' }]
      name: 'Value', label: 'Value', type: 'number', default: 20,
      constraints: [
        { condition: '=@Value >= @Min', resolution: '=@Min', message: 'Min value constraint' }
        { condition: '=@Value <= @Max', resolution: '=@Max', message: 'Max value constraint' }
    { name: 'Foreground', label: 'Foreground', type: 'color', default: '=fillColor()' },
    { name: 'Background', label: 'Background', type: 'color', default: '#D7E9FF' }
  defs: [
    { name: 'Rounded', type: 'number', value: '=@Height / @Width' }
  clip: {
    geometry: [
      { type: 'union'
        geometry: [
          { type: 'ellipse', w: '=@Rounded' }
          { type: 'rect', x: '=@Rounded / 2', w: '=1 - @Rounded' }
          { type: 'ellipse', x: '=1 - @Rounded', w: '=@Rounded' }
  shapes: [
    // Background
        style: { fill: { type: 'color', color: '=@Background' } }
        geometry: [{ type: 'rect' }]
    // Progress
      style: { fill: { type: 'color', color: '=@Foreground' } }
      geometry: [
        { type:'rect', w: '=(@Value - @Min) / (@Max - @Min)' }