These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v1.2.
  // No quotes on the value below.

  a: b
  c: ["d", "e", "f"]
  g: 123

All code files in the custom shape format allow HJSON, a superset of JSON which allows comments, unquoted object keys, and flexibility around commas.

Note the missing trailing commas and the unquoted string value for b. The unquoted string value for b illustrates a potential gotcha in HJSON, where commas or other characters (anything after the ":") will be included in the string. For example, consider the following HJSON:

{"a": b}

This actually represents an object with the key/value pair of a -> b, } instead of a -> b, and results in a syntax error.

For more information about the HJSON format, see