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Calculates the linearly interpolated value between two numbers, with a specified proportion.


=LERP(value, a, b)

=INTERPOLATE(value, a, b)


The linear interpolation result is calculated as: (b - a) \* value + a


valueNumberThe interpolation value. Value must be between 0 and 1 (values outside of the range will be constrained to that range).
aNumberThe first value to interpolate between.
bNumberThe second value to interpolate between.


=LERP(0.5, 0, 10)5
Interpolates between 0 and 10 at a proportion of 0.5

=LERP(0, 0, 10)0
Interpolates between 0 and 10 at a proportion of 0

=INTERPOLATE(1, 0, 10)10
Interpolates between 0 and 10 at a proportion of 1

=LERP(0.5, -2, 6)2
Interpolates between -2 and 6 at a proportion of 0.5