These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v1.2.


LCSZThe file format this document describes. LCSZ is intended to mean Lucid Custom Shape ZIP.
Shape LibraryA collection of shape definitions, images, text translations and shape library entries stored in a ZIP file format that can be uploaded to Lucidchart as a new shape library.
Shape Library EntryA shape shown to a user in the list of shapes in a shape library (in Lucidchart). Each shape library entry is composed of a shape definition and a list of settings for that shape library entry; each entry can be a unique set of default properties using a single shape definition.
Shape DefinitionA file that defines the structure of a shape, properties associated to that shape and interactions. A shape definition specifies how shapes are drawn; a shape entry matches up a shape definition with it's default properties and settings.
ShapeAn entity which includes scoped definitions, geometries for rendering, and a group of subshapes. Rendering a shape renders both geometries and subshapes; the order field defines whether geometries or shapes are rendered on top or not.
Sub-ShapeA shape contained within another shape, which can have its own render style, bounds and definitions. Sub-shapes can be contained within the shape itself, or within another sub-shape.
GeometryA path defined within a shape. Helpers like rect and ellipse give the user easier tools to add standard geometry to a shape.
Top-Level GeometryThe geometry defined on shape definition itself and not in sub-shapes.
TemplateA collection of geometry that can be reused multiple times using a set of passed in parameters.
i18nInternationalization. Provides translations for text labels used by shapes and the shape library. Not yet implemented.
Clipping MaskA clipping mask defines the bounds of the shape; no geometry should be present outside of the clipping mask. At a technical level, all generated shape geometry is intersected with the clipping mask to produce the final geometry.
Link pointA connection point that is shown when users are dragging a line to connect with the shape to allow the line to snap to a specific point.
TextareaA block of optionally editable text displayed for a shape. Textareas are positioned relative to the current shapes offset.