These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v1.2.


Sorts the specified list using an optional sort order and expression to control the ordering.



=SORT(array, order)

=SORT(array, order, expression)


arrayArrayThe array to sort
orderString(Optional) Ascending or descending order. Should be one of "ASC" or "DESC"
expressionAny(Optional) An expression that, when evaluated, is used to sort the array


=SORT(ARRAY(3, 1, 2, 4, 0))[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
Sorts the array in ascending order based on value.

=SORT(children, "ASC")[Shape 1, Shape 2, Shape 3, Shape 4, Shape 5]
Sorts the list of children of the current shapes in ascending order, sorted by each child's text.

=SORT(children, "DESC", this."Property 1")[Shape 5, Shape 4, Shape 2, Shape 3, Shape 1]
Sorts the list of children of the current shapes in descending order, sorted by each child's shape data property "Property 1".