These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v1.2.


Creates a new string by combining all specified strings into a single string


=CONCATENATE(string1, string2, ..., stringN)


stringStringThe strings to combine


Combines the strings "ABC", "DEF", and "GHI" into a single string

=CONCATENATE("Hello there, ", @Name, "!")"Hello there, John!"
Combines the string "Hello there, ", the shape data property "Name", and the string "!"

=CONCATENATE("A", 1, true)"A1true"
Combines the string "A", the number 1, and the boolean value true. Because the Lucid formula system automatically converts value to the correct type, it produces a string version of each value and then creates a string

=CONCATENATE("", "A", "")"A"
Combines the strings "" (blank), "A", and "" (blank)