These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v1.2.

While you can build completely custom modals with iFrames, many interactions with the user are simple enough to use pre-built modals provided by the Extension API.


An alert modal presents plain text to the user with a single button to acknowledge that message. You can configure the alert with a custom title (which defaults to the name of your extension) and/or custom text for the OK button.

The alert method returns a Promise that resolves to true if the user clicks the OK button, or false if the user dismisses the modal in some other way:

const client = new EditorClient();
client.alert('This is a message');



A confirm modal presents plain text to the user with an OK and Cancel button. You can configure the confirm modal with a custom title (which defaults to the name of your extension) and/or custom text for the OK and Cancel buttons.

The confirm method returns a Promise that resolves to true if the user clicks the OK button, or false if the user dismisses the modal in some other way:

const client = new EditorClient();
const menu = new Menu(client);
const viewport = new Viewport(client);

client.registerAction('makeSelectionRed', async () => {
    if (await client.confirm('Do you wish to turn the selected blocks red?', undefined, 'Yes', 'No')) {
        for (const item of viewport.getSelectedItems()) {
  'FillColor', '#ff0000ff');

    label: 'Turn red',
    action: 'makeSelectionRed',
    location: MenuLocation.Edit,
