These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v1.2.


Attributes are properties on shapes that can be accessed using syntax such as this.$id.


  • this.$id is an alternate to LABEL that can be used to get the unique id for the shape.
  • this.$lanes will return an array of object references to the individual lanes of a swimlane shape.
  • this.$itemcreatedby will return the user name of the individual who created the shape.
  • this.$contents will return all shapes that have their top-left corner within the boundaries of the argument container. For visualizations, returns all shapes held by the visualization container. Matches behavior of CONTAINED.

To get a full list of valid attributes use ATTRIBUTES.

Attributes on Lucid Cards

These attributes can be accessed on all Lucid Cards, regardless of the card's source (Jira, Asana, Lucid, etc.).

When an attribute lacks a sensible value (for example, there is no $issuetype associated with the standard Lucid Card), the attribute's value will evaluate to NONE.

$titleThe card's title or main descriptor
$descriptionDetailed information or summary about the card
$ownerThe user associated with or assigned to the card
$reporterThe user who reported or created the card
$starttimeThe card's creation time or start time
$endtimeThe card's completion time or end time
$estimateThe card's estimated time or resources required
$statusThe current status of the card (e.g. 'To Do', 'In Progress', 'Done')
$issuetypeThe type of issue represented by card (e.g. 'Bug', 'Task', 'Epic')
$priorityThe importance or urgency level of the card (e.g., 'Critical', 'Minor')
$projectThe project or epic associated with the card
$sourceitemurlThe unique URL or identifier linking back to the card's source
$imageurlThe URL of the image associated with the card

In some cases (especially with Lucid Cards sourced from external systems) an attribute's underlying value may be an ID referencing additional contextual data, specifically name, id, description, color, and iconUrl.

For instance, the underlying value of this.$owner might actually be the ID 1000 that acts as a reference to the following data:

    "name": "John Doe",
    "id": 1000,
    "description": "Formula Wizard",
    "color": "#fff7f7",
    "iconUrl": "http\://"

In other cases (such as with the standard Lucid Card), the underlying value of this.$owner will be a STRING that represents the owner/assignee's name:

"Jane Doe"

To maintain consistency and ease-of-use, Lucid Card attributes always evaluate to the corresponding name when applicable. Thus, in the aforementioned example, this.$owner will evaluate to "John Doe" instead of 1000.

If additional contextual data is available and required (name is not enough), append the desired property name after the attribute. For example, if we want to calculate the description for the "John Doe" owner in the example above, we can use the formula =this.$owner."description" (which would evaluate to "Formula Wizard").

To determine available contextual data for an attribute, use the KEYS() function:

=KEYS(this.$owner) -> ["name", "id", "description", "color", "iconUrl"]

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