These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v1.2.


Returns true if the expression is not empty.

  • Strings passed into the function are checked if they are not an empty string.
  • If an array is passed into the function, the function will return true only if every item in the flattened array is not equal to the empty string.
  • If a value that is not a string or array is passed into the function, the value will be converted to a string before checking if the value is not an empty string.
  • If an object is passed into the function, the function will return true only if the object has keys.




exprString, Array or ObjectThe value to check for emptiness


Checks if the string "" is empty.

Checks if the number 123 is empty. 123 is converted to the string "123", which is not empty and the function returns true.

=ISNOTEMPTY(@"Property 1")true
Checks if the shape data property "Property 1" is empty. Because "Property 1" is not empty (it has the value 1), the function returns true.

=ISNOTEMPTY(@"Property 4")false
Checks if the shape data property "Property 4" is empty. Because "Property 4" is empty, the function returns false.

Checks if the object is not empty, and because the object has a key-value pair the function returns true.