These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v1.2.


Checks the value of an expression and returns a specified value if the expression is true, and returns a different value if not.


=IF(expr, resultTrue, resultFalse)


exprBooleanThe expression to evaluate when determining which value to return
resultTrueAnyThe value to return if the expression evaluates to true
resultFalseAnyThe value to return if the expression evaluates to false


=IF(10 < 20, "Yes", "No")"Yes"
Checks if 10 is less than 20 and returns "Yes" if so, and "No" otherwise. Because 10 is less than 20, "Yes" is returned.

=IF(10 > 20, "Yes", "No")"No"
Checks if 10 is greater than 20 and returns "Yes" if so, and "No" otherwise. Because 10 is not greater than 20, "No" is returned.

=IF(@"Property 1" = 1, "A", "B")"A"
Checks if the shape data property "Property 1" is equal to 1 and returns "A" if so, and "B" otherwise. Because "Property 1" is equal to 1, the function returns "A".