These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v1.2.

Greeting Shape

The greeting shape is a simple example of a textarea on a shape. The shape is a simple rectangle with a fill of the current fill color, a black border, and a textarea that fills the shape.


  "properties": [
    { "name": "Name", "label": "Name", type: "string", "default": "You" }
  "style": {
    "fill": { "type": "color", "color": "=fillColor" },
    "stroke": { "color": "#000000", "width": 2 }
  "shapes": [
      "geometry": [ { "type": "rect" } ],
      "textarea": {
        "name": "t0",
        "text": "Hello, {{=@Name}}!",
        "editable": true,
        "style": { "color": "#000000" }