These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v1.2.

Signal Strength

Shows a progress bar shape in the style of a signal strength meter. The existing shape is continuous, however the shape could be modified to round to the nearest 0.5 if needed.


    properties: [
            name: 'Min',
            label: 'Min',
            type: 'number',
            default: 0,
            constraints: [{
                condition: '=@Min < @Max',
                message: 'Max must be larger than Min'
            name: 'Max',
            label: 'Max',
            type: 'number',
            default: 100,
            constraints: [{
                condition: '=@Max > @Min',
                message: 'Max must be larger than Min'
            name: 'Value',
            label: 'Value',
            type: 'number',
            default: 70,
            constraints: [
                    condition: '=@Value >= @Min',
                    resolution: '=@Min',
                    message: 'Value must be greater or equal to Min'
                    condition: '=@Value <= @Max',
                    resolution: '=@Max',
                    message: 'Value must be less or equal to Max'
            name: 'Foreground',
            label: 'Foreground',
            type: 'color',
            default: '=fillColor()'
            name: 'Background',
            label: 'Background',
            type: 'color',
            default: '#D7E9FF'
    shapes: [
            shapes: [
                // Outer Path
                  style: {fill: {type: 'color', color: '=@Background'}}
                  geometry: [{type: 'rect'}]
                // Inner Path
                    style: {fill: {type: 'color', color: '=@Foreground'}}
                    geometry: [{type: 'rect', w: '=(@Value - @Min) / (@Max - @Min)'}]
    clip: {
        geometry: [{
            type: 'intersection',
            geometry: [
                // Triangle Path
                {type: 'path', path: 'M 0,1 L 1,0 L 1,1 Z'}
                    type: 'union'
                    geometry: [
                        // Bars
                        {type: 'rect', x: 0, w: 0.233},
                        {type: 'rect', x: 0.256, w: 0.233},
                        {type: 'rect', x: 0.512, w: 0.233},
                        {type: 'rect', x: 0.767, w: 0.233},