These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v1.2.

=SINE(0.5 * PI * @Value)

Generally, there are five different types that can be used in the Lucid formula system: strings, numbers, booleans, arrays and objects. Additionally, there are built-in constants (such as PI) above.


Strings are text values that represent a sequence of characters. For example, "Hello, World", "Test", 'Demo123' are all examples of strings. Strings are constructed by paired single (') or double (") quote characters. A string is started with one of the quote characters and is terminated with the same quote character. If a string is uncompleted, the formula will be invalid.

Within a string, the same quote character can be included without stopping the string by doubling the character. Newlines can be added to a formula string in the editor by press shift+enter to add a line break; the line must still be terminated with a matching quote character, however.

"Joe said, ""Hello, World""."Joe said, "Hello, World".
'It isn''t correct'It isn't correct
"It isn't correct"It isn't correct


Numbers are numeric values that can be integers (-1, 0, 2, etc.) or decimal numbers (0.25, 1.234, etc.). Numbers should not include commas for place separators (for example, 1,000,000 is not a valid number).

Numbers can be defined using scientific notation, which defines the number as a factor and a power of 10. Scientific notation is in the form MeN, which translates into the value (M × 10N). For example, 1.23e4 translates into the value 12300.

Numbers can also be defined as percentages by adding a percent sign at the end (for example, 1.23%). The value used for calculations will be divided by 100 (for 1.23%, the value 0.0123 would be used), but the percentage will correctly display as a percentage in the data property editor.

1.23%0.0123 (displayed as 1.23%)


Booleans are either true or false and are used in boolean logic (for example, functions like IF, AND, OR, etc.).


Arrays are an ordered collection of values indexed by contiguous integers starting at 1. More details can be found here.


Objects are structures that contains key-value pairs. More details can be found here.

Container type

Specific types of containers that can be used for filtering. Examples can be found here

Container typeDescription
$COLUMNColumn shapes (Ex: column in Dynamic Table)
$CONTAINERAny container shapes
$DYNAMICTABLEDynamic Table shapes
$ROWRow shapes (Ex: row in Timeline)
$SMARTCONTAINERSmart Container shapes
$SUBCONTAINERAny subcontainer shapes (Ex: rows or columns)
$SWIMLANESwimlane shapes
$SWIMLANELANEIndividual lanes within a swimlane shape
$TIMELINETimeline shapes
$VENNCIRCLEVenn diagram circle shapes

Built-In Constants

In the Lucid formula system, some predefined constants can be used to simplify formula writing.

E2.718281828459045The mathematical constant e, which represents the base of the natural logarithm
PI3.141592653589793The mathematical constant pi. Useful when performing trigonometric functions, such as COS or TAN
NONEundefinedReturns undefined

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