These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v1.2.

File upload

Menu items can be specified as prompting a file upload. To do this, you first register a named action for receiving the uploaded file content using EditorClient.registerFileUploadAction. This callback will receive an array of files that were selected by the user, including the file names and content as text. Optionally, the content may also be included as a Uint8Array if your menu item requests that binary be included:

const client = new EditorClient();
const menu = new Menu(client);

client.registerFileUploadAction('logFileContent', (files: FileUploadData[]) => {
    for (const file of files) {
        if (file.binary) {

    label: 'Upload file for processing',
    file: {
        action: 'logFileContent',
        accept: 'text/csv',
        singleFileOnly: true,
        binary: true,