These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v1.2.


Gets all actions added to the current shape or specified shape(s). Shape actions are objects with an action type value and additional values specific to the type of action.





shapesReference or ArrayThe shape or shapes for which to retrieve shape actions


Shape actions can be one of the following types:

  • url
  • toggle-layer
  • hide-layer
  • show-layer
  • page
  • document
  • conditionalformatting

URL Shape Actions

URL shape actions have the url type, as well as the following fields:

urlStringURL specified in the web/email action

Page Shape Actions

Page shape actions have the page type, as well as the following fields:

pageReferenceThe page specified in the page action

Document Shape Actions

Document shape actions have the document type, as well as the following fields:

documentStringThe document ID specified in the document action

Toggle Layer, Show Layer, and Hide Layer Shape Actions

Layer shape actions have a type of toggle-layer, show-layer, or hide-layer (for Toggle Layer, Show Layer, and Hide Layer actions, respectively), as well as the following fields:

layersArrayAn array of references to layers specified in the action

Conditional Formatting Shape Actions

Conditional formatting shape actions have the conditionalformatting type, as well as the following fields:

rulesArrayAn array of conditional formatting rule names specified in the action


=SHAPEACTIONS[{"type":url, "url":https:\/\/}]

=SHAPEACTIONS[{"type":toggle-layer, "layers":[Layer1,Layer2]}]

=SHAPEACTIONS[{"type":hide-layer, "layers":[Layer3,Layer4]}]

=SHAPEACTIONS[{"type":show-layer, "layers":[Layer5,Layer6]}]

=SHAPEACTIONS[{"type":page, "page":Page 1}]

=SHAPEACTIONS[{"type":document, "document":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"}]

=SHAPEACTIONS[{"type":conditionalformatting, "rules":[Rule 1,Rule 2]}]